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Welcome to the Cadence

"The Nebula exists as its own, secret little interstellar society. Unfortunately with every society, comes a power struggle that will inevitably erupt. So too has our little stellar garden. All from the actions taken on the lacustrine paradise world of Terhardt..."


Colossian State Era

The first human residents of the Colossian Stellar Garden had arrived approximately 1,800 years ago, settling in the Hadriconi System. Already with a population surging into the trillions of individuals, colonization in the region had been slow due to the extensive risk of stellar debris scattered through the nebula. However, with breakthrough technology allowing for the creation of accurate wormholes, the system soon saw a massive influx of settlers, who soon overwhelmed the barely functioning infrastructure. Within two centuries, many worlds saw successful terraforming and the establishment of the Colossian State, which claimed every stellar system within the nebula. With over 600 systems under their control, the Colossians saw unprecedented expansion and economic growth throughout the region, and became among the most powerful factions across the whole of humanity. While its population was far outweighed by that of the United Nations of Terra, its technology was among the most advanced ever developed by humanity. By the beginning of the millennium, a golden age was decreed by the head of state.

The golden age experienced in the region was short lived though, as many systems sought independence from an increasingly militaristic and corrupt elite class. Much dismay was felt within the smallest systems throughout the cluster, which had often seen little of what wealth was extracted from them. It became apparent that conflict in the region was inevitable, and it was predicted the Colossian State would collapse within 500 years. The first event which would befall the State occurred 436 standard years ago, with the Shenji Republic's establishment. As one of the core systems of the Colossian State, a brief but intense conflict followed, which left nearly a billion people killed throughout the system. Despite the catastrophic death toll however, the Republic Navy won a critical battle in orbit of Shenjen, crippling the Colossian State's regional fleet. Begrudgingly, the conflict was resolved through a peace treaty, allowing the Shenji Republic to become an independent state.

While the Colossian State saw an increasingly chaotic and faltering empire, the Shenji saw opportunity to expand throughout the underdeveloped regions within their system, allowing it to sustain a higher standard of living for its residents. Fifty years later however, the newly established nation saw stagnation of its own, caused by extensive income inequality, political corruption, and the monopolization of their markets. The system wold devolve into chaos within the next decade, undergoing a successful coup led by Sougaren, who reorganized the republic into the Shenji Empire.

The Colossian State meanwhile, continued to repress rebellions throughout the region, and eventually deployed so much funding to counter-revolutionary activities that the economy continued to slowly collapse. The beginning of the end for the State occurred while supressing a rebellion in the Hieperi System, when an exhausted Colossian Fleet encountered a massive Shenji fleet, which annihilated the remnants of the Colossian fleet sparking the Second Shenji-Colossian War. Finally, the Colossian State would entirely split apart at the conclusion of this conflict. Unable to sustain a war against a properly trained, supplied military instead of haphazard rebels, the state capitulated, dissolving into 48 separate states, including the modern Hadrican Republic, Aledrissian Confederacy, The Ketren Empire, and the Algani Protectorate.

Consolidation Era

While the Shenji Empire used the next few centuries consolidating control in the systems, the Ketren Monarchy saw growth, conquering numerous systems in the region under the control of Cayani Uniseph. The Hadriconi Republic however, also saw economic booms which echoed that of the Shenji Republic era, and neighboring systems voluntarily unified with the newly-established republic. While not immune to corrupt figureheads, legislation was enacted in order to prevent a similar collapse seen during the Colossian State's collapse. The Algani Protectorate and the Aledrissian Confederacy saw similar growth, consolidating nearby systems in pursuit of growth. While not nearly as successful as that seen in the Hadriconi Republic, these systems too, saw considerable growth.

One system, the Terharti System was inhabited by Hadriconi residents in an attempt to gain influence in the region, however an unprecedented solar flare left the small world entirely disconnected, and the colony was presumed lost.

Nebula Map